
  • Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 3

    Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 3

      A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what is…

  • Montreal Subway Soundwalk

    Montreal Subway Soundwalk

    Interesting soundwalk by Dan Tapper at North American Sound Diaries Sherbrooke to Jean-Drapeau station, Montreal – Quebec My second post for North American Sound Diaries week is a soundwalk recorded in Montreal, travelling on the subway between Sherbrooke and Jean-Drapeau stations.…

  • 2011 World Listening Day – July 18

    2011 World Listening Day – July 18

    Just wanted to extend you the invitation of the WLP and MSAE to participate in the 2011 World Listening Day on July 18. Here are several possible ways to participate: Organize a soundwalk. What is a soundwalk? Start here Organize a…

  • A Sound Trip Over Thailand

    A Sound Trip Over Thailand

    Andrew Spitz has published several recordings of a recent trip he made to Thailand. There are ten different sounds captured by him using a Zoom H4n. I just got back from really pleasant two week vacation in Thailand where I…

  • Field Recording Workshop: Live!iXem 2010 in Milan, Italy

    Field Recording Workshop: Live!iXem 2010 in Milan, Italy

    My friend Matteo Milani from USO Project, has sent me some info about an upcoming field recording workshop to be held on Milan, Italy in October. Here is the press information: Live!iXem 2010 – Edition VII International festival of music,…