infinite grain 03: gintas k
[infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] Gintas Kraptavicius is an artist from Lithuania. Over the years, he has explored different disciplines…
monoiz – frequenciestructure
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various artists – [Q04]
The science of aesthetics or the aesthetics of science? In the [Q04] of the Quark series by F901, the question persists: “how does the invisible sound?”, and the answer keeps expanded in a new magnificent minuscule exploration by four brilliant artists who develop…
interview with ryoichi kurokawa
by s|edition art.
infinite grain 01: nicolas bernier
[infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] Nicolas Bernier born in Canada. His work is one of a kind, taking roots…