
  • Field by Martin Messier, Sound Performance Based on Residual Electromagnetic Signals

    Field by Martin Messier, Sound Performance Based on Residual Electromagnetic Signals

    FIELD is a new work by Canadian artist Martin Messier, previously known for his intricate audiovisual machines, unique installations and intense performances. This new work is based on the idea of creating sounds out from residual electric signals, using electromagnetic transducer microphones to pick up…

  • frequencies (a / continuum)

    frequencies (a / continuum)

    “Seven electromagnetically driven tuning forks activated by a custom keyboard/controller turning each frequencies on and off. The project is a poeticized perpective of the technical device created in the late 19th century by physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) who created…

  • casten nicolai – α (alpha) pulse

    casten nicolai – α (alpha) pulse

    Another video of carsten nicolai’s α (alpha) pulse project. α (alpha) pulse’s generated light patterns pulsated in a synchronized frequency across the entire façade of Hong Kong’s iconic 490 meter high International Commerce Centre on the Kowloon harbor front. Like a…

  • xenakis’ polytopes: cosmogonies in sound and architecture

    xenakis’ polytopes: cosmogonies in sound and architecture

    “Fusing the ancient greek terms “poly” (“many”) and “topos” (“place”), Greek-French composer Iannis Xenakis coined a neologism for his set of spatial creations that mixed together sound, light, color and architecture during live performances. The Polytopes may be considered a…

  • nicolas bernier – frequencies (light quanta)

    nicolas bernier – frequencies (light quanta)

    Art direction, visual design, sound composition, audiovisual programming: Nicolas Bernier Technical direction and fabrication: Robocut Studio Co-production: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (ES), PERTE DE SIGNAL (CA) With the support of Conseil des Arts et de Lettres Québec…

  • ljós


    “Ljós is the translation of the latent elements of dreams into visible contents.
The body is the medium through which the connections between light, sound and movement are explored, leading the spectator into an unreal space, rarefied and disorientating.” Live Media…