
  • Covid Backyard | Dirk de Bruyn

    Covid Backyard | Dirk de Bruyn

    A message from the editor:   Sonic, Social, Distanc As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into some sort of social restriction…self-isolation, social isolation, physical distancing, quarantine…since those who have the luxury of walls have…

  • Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 3

    Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 3

      A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what is…

  • Brazil’s Blind Birdman

    BBC News has made a small video on the amazing work of Juan Pablo Culasso, a recordist highly sensible to nature sounds, specially those from birds. Uruguayan Juan Pablo Culasso, 29, has been blind since birth but he has become one…

  • Sounds for the Birds

    Sounds for the Birds

    The Earthlines Review has published a fantastic article by Kate Carr about birds, sound, poetry and inspiration. Birds have acted as muse in many different ways. Whether to unlock some hidden longing as Oliver describes in her poem, or to…

  • Why Birds Sing

    Why Birds Sing

    Inspired by musician and eco-philosopher David Rothenberg’s book of the same title, this documentary explores the intriguing, charming, complex and often conflicting theories on why birds sing like they do and why humans are so attracted to the sound. The…