
  • Source of Uncertainty, A Podcast Focused on Buchla

    Source of Uncertainty, A Podcast Focused on Buchla

    Source of Uncertainty is a monthly podcast focused on Buchla, the infinite and wonderful analog spacecraft imagined and developed by the genius of Don Buchla. The podcast started in 2019 and is fully devoted to the instrument and its community…

  • Simon Whetham Interview

    Simon Whetham Interview

    Fifteen Questions has published a nice interview with my good friend Simon Whetham, a great sound artist working mainly with field recordings. For part-time Bristol resident Simon Whetham, location is vital to the creative process and as a launching point…

  • Toshiya Tsunoda

    Toshiya Tsunoda

    Awesome post at musicofsound dedicated to the great work of recordist/artist Toshiya Tsunoda: My field recordings feature the transmission of vibrations, and any location can be interesting. The question is what is happening in actual vibrations in a specific place. I…