Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 2
A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what…
Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 1
A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what…
frequencies (archives scientifiques université rennes 1)
frequencies (archives scientifiques université rennes 1) | sound and light object, 2014 “20 minutes audio piece based on sounds from the scientific archives of Rennes 1 University in France. Edition of 1, only available to be listen to through a…