
  • Summary and Sounds of the MoKS Nature Recording Workshop

    The group spent one early morning and one full evening out in the field, analyzing and collecting sounds. We then listened to the recordings that were made an identified the animal species that were heard. Comparisons of different recording setups…

  • Impulse Response A/B Test

    Impulse Response A/B Test

    One of the greatest features of the convolution reverb is recreating the natural acoustics of a space and that’s what I’m going to prove in the following test. This can be achieved by simply downloading Impulse Responses (IR) online, or…

  • Frank Bry’s Techniques for Thunderstom Recording

    Frank Bry has published a very cool post talking about his experiences on recording thunderstorms, along with examples, tips and more. Most of my thunder recordings are made with my Sanken CSS-5 microphone sitting right outside my front door. I…

  • Rycote Releases the Definitive Windshield and Suspension Solution for Portable Recorders

    Rycote recently announced the release of Portable Recorder Audio Kit, which includes a complete solution for reducing wind and handling noise on portable recorders. A combined Windshield and Suspension solution, the kit contains everything needed to protect a handheld digital…

  • A Sonic Trip to Samoa

    Tim Prebble has recently published several posts about a trip he did to Samoa some days ago. The posts contain a lot of fantastic visual and sonic footage. I could add some examples here but I think it’s better to…

  • Tascam Launches DR-07mkII Portable Recorder

    Tascam has launched the mkII version of the DR-07, a portable recorder now featured with renewed omnidirectional microphones and adjustable position (XY/AB). Here’s the official information: TASCAM’s DR-07mkII improves on one of the best-selling portable recorders ever with adjustable microphones, clear…