The Field Reporter Radio #25
The Field Reporter Radio #25
Download Hipporock by SLAVEK KWI
Extract from overnight recording on the edge of River Limpopo during “Sonic mmabolela 2013” residency in South Africa. Recorded by Slavek Kwi, November 2013. Special thanks for kind support to the National Concert Hall in Dublin. “Sonic mmabolela” project was organized by Francisco Lopez and James Webb.
Special thanks to Pedro Leitâo from Impulsive Habitat for his logistic assistance. Without his help the publication of this radio program couldn’t have been possible.
Release is on WAV format and file is 3,4 GB. Piece duration is 5:47:10
The Field Reporter Radio #24
The Field Reporter Radio #24
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Recordings made with Microphones, hydrophones and contact microphones.
The Field Reporter Radio #23
The Field Reporter Radio #23
Les Sons I’ve learned in 2013
Compossed by by Maria Papadomanolaki
The Field Reporter Radio #22
The Field Reporter Radio #22
Composed by Tessa Elieff
Download ‘Caris Clocks’ by TESSA EILEFF
Download ‘Craster Blowhole’ by TESSA EILEFF
The Field Reporter Radio #21
The Field Reporter Radio #21
Programmed by Cheryl Tipp
Download The Field Reporter Radio #21
fragment from “Sceneries from the Castellated Wall”
YASUHIRO MORINAGA (Galaverna 2012)
fragment from ‘Inner Sky’ GIANLUCA FAVARON
(Galaverna 2012)
fragment from ‘Terra d’agua’. LUIS ANTERO
(Galaverna 2013)
fragment from ‘Sonidos del Subconsciente (I)’. ASFERICO
(Galaverna 2012)
fragment from ‘Re:Fujaco’ @C (Galaverna 2012)
fragment from ‘Eolo’ ANDREAS BICK
(Galaverna 2013)
Photo by Franco Aresi for Galaverna
The Field Reporter Radio #20
The Field Reporter Radio #20
‘Bruere Allichamps’
Curated by Cheryl Tipp
Download ‘Bruere Allichamps’ by TESSA ELIEFF
These field recordings were gathered by Australian Sound Artist, Tessa Elieff AKA Tattered Kaylor in Bruere Allichamps, central France 2011. They are part of the work undertaken during an Inhabit International residency at le abbaye Noirlac. This composition consists of a sonic timeline of the bank of the Cher River between le abbaye Noirlac and the nearby township of Bruere Allichamps. Time line begins at 0500 and ends at Midnight.
The sounds you hear are (in order of appearance):
1) Morning wind and ambiance
2) Dawn chorus as heard from Bruere Allichamps
3) Cyclists passby the river
4) Midday at Bruere Allichamps annual market. Buskers and crowd
5) Afternoon ambiance
6) Evening crickets
7) Midnight cicada in the grounds of le abbaye Noirlac
-Cheryl Tipp
The Field Reporter Radio #19
The Field Reporter Radio #19
‘Jumalallista väliintuloa’
[bandcamp track=913767067 size=medium bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]
Reflections on the relations between matter and information.
The Field Reporter Radio #18
The Field Reporter Radio #18
‘Mixed field recordings from the Brussels Soundmap’
by Flavien Gillié
Download ‘Mixed field recordings from the Brussels Soundmap’
The Field Reporter Radio #17
Grand Union Canal at Harlesden: Willesden Juncion’ is a sonic, visual and written essay based on the collective experience of Maria Papadomanolaki, Yiorgis Sakellariou, Lina Velandia and I at this location situated in the north of London on February 19.
During the closing dinner party of the ‘In the field’ symposium (where I was invited by CRISAP and the British Library to give a lecture) Maria Papadomanolaki, Yiorgis Sakellariou -sound artists-, Lina Velandia -photographer- and I engaged in an interesting conversation that prompted a mutual interest in finding and explore a location within the London area that could visually and sonically appeal us. The original plan was to record in an abandoned building in Harlesden close to the Willesden Junction train station but we were not allowed to get in, and since they had security personnel and vigilante dogs, we didn’t manage to sneak in either. A few hundred meters away from the building we found the Grand Union Canal and this is where the exploration actually took place.
-David Vélez
By Maria Papadomanolaki
Download ‘Willdesen Junction’ by MARIA PAPADOMANOLAKI
By Yiorgis Sakellariou
Download ‘Willdesen Junction’ by YIORGIS SAKELLARIOU
A crow and a Recycling Facility
By David Velez
Download ‘A crow and a recycling facility’ by DAVID VELEZ
The Field Reporter Radio #16
The Field Reporter Radio #16
Darius Ciuta is one of the really interesting sound artist today. His name and works were included on many of the notes and lists presented on The Field Reporter retrospective articles. His prolific production doesn’t seem to overwhelm the audience for concrete and phonographic works, otherwise it seems like there is a growing interest on his solo and collaborative works. For the second time Darius was kind enough to compose a work for The Field Reporter radio: the piece is titled ‘Ikzz’ and it has a duration of 2 hours and 47 minutes. ‘Ikzz’ could equally work as a piece to carefully follow on its smallest details or as a background piece to blend with the incidental sounds occurring.
We would like to thank Impulsive Habitat and Pedro Leitâo for his logistic collaboration.
-David Velez
Download ‘Ikzz’ by DARIUS CIUTA
El Coyote (#15)
‘El Coyote’
by David Velez
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‘El Coyote’ is a sonic, visual and written essay based on my experience in the touristic complex of Bijao in Panama on January of 2013.
In Bijao the tension between the ecosystem and the intrusive architecture was evident from the moment I arrived: this environmental contrast and the subjacent anthropological and biological implications expressed in the formal aspects of the area became the focus of my artistic interest.
These recordings are not about an ideal virgin natural environment, but about an available quotidian environment with presence of men, machines and architecture on a predominantly natural habitat. If wild life recordings are considered neo-romantic, I’d consider these recordings neo-realistic.
On a more specific approach ‘El coyote’ is about the way the animals adapt their acoustic behavior to the sounds of machines when they become part of their their environment. About how the questions and reflections of my interest are projected and reflected in this environment and the resonance I managed to establish with it.
I asked photographer Lina Velandia to capture images as I wanted this essay to be both sonic and visual. The images reflect the acousmatic character of environmental recordings when birds, insects and amphibians inhabit the area. The photos also serve as some sort of contrasting element to the sounds: while in the sound piece the animals are in the foreground and the machines in the background, in the images we see no animals but we can only see the intrusive presence of men depicted in the construction machinery and in the aridity of certain spots found in Bijao.
During the recordings of these sounds some reflections in regard of the phonographic composition came to my mind and I am using them to complement the essay.
-The sound material was composed with long fragments of recordings without layer processing. Some equalization was done at certain parts to explore the possibility of making them more realistic-
The Field Reporter noteworthy sounds and works from 2012 Radio program PART (#14)
On The Field Reporter every year we like to make a sort of guide for our readers with sound, releases, places, ideas that were notable through 2012. With that on mind we contacted a group of artists, journalists and curators to join our team making a series of lists and notes of what they think was noteworthy through 2012. This year we have a new element: mixes made by some of our editors with fragments from those works and experiences.
Flavien Gillié (sound artist, Editor for The Field Reporter)
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Mina. DARIUS CIUTA (Green Field Recordings)
Movement -Holkham-. PETER TOLL (Engraved Glass)
18-36. MECHA / ORGA (Orila)
Slaughterhouse. DAVID MICHAEL (Gruenrekorder)
Trazadao oculto. JUAN JOSÉ CALARCO (Mandorla)
Little jewel. COLLIN THOMAS (self-release)
TransMongolian ROLAND ETZIN (Gruenrekorder)
Systemic Collapse. JAY-DEA LOPEZ (Impulsive Habitat)
South Gare. CHRIS WHITEHEAD (Linear Obsessional)
Witch-hunt. PLEQ, HIROKI SASAJIMA (Taâlem 2012)
Concert for no one. SIMON WHETHAM (Impulsive Habitat)
Jay-Dea Lopez (sound artist, journalist and Editor for The Field Reporter)
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Berlin field. STEVE RODEN (3Leaves)
El pájaro que escucha. DAVID VELEZ (3Leaves)
A quiet position. Locale. VA (impulsive Habitat)
Sceneries from the Castellated Wall. YASUHIRO MORINAGA (Galverna)
v – p v-f is v – n 2013. VA (Winds Measure)
Parallel Paths. CELLO + LAPTOP -Edu Comelles & Sara Galán- (Envelope Collective)
Buiti Binafin. FRÉDÉRIC NOGRAY (3Leaves)
Concert for no one. SIMON WHETHAM (Impulsive Habitat)
Colony. HIROKI SASAJIMA (Impulsive Habitat)
David Velez (sound artist, works at Impulsive Habitat, Chief Editor at The Field Reporter)
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* Reverse order
Madal öö. JOHN GRZINICH (Engraved Glass)
Prairie. D’INCISE (Obs)
H-CS. DARIUS CIUTA (Echomusic)
Are fishes nihilist? D’INCISE (Kaon)
18-36. MECHA / ORGA (Orila)
Taurion, trou de lapin. DALE LLOYD (Kaon)
A while and awhile. FRANCISCO MEIRINO (Obs)
Glass over water under light.
Sempervirent. RODOLPHE ALEXIS (Gruenrekorder)
Deux trois choses ou presque. BRUNO DUPLANT (Engraved Glass)
Little jewel. COLLIN THOMAS (self-release)
Mina. DARIUS CIUTA (Green Field)
(Consumer Waste)
Rishikesh. FIVE ELEMENTS MUSIC (Unfathomless)
The Darkness and the light. SETH COOKE (Compost and Height)
The Field Reporter Radio #13
programmed by Alan Smithee
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1. (fragment) Part 4. MURMER from ‘What are the roots that clutch’ (Helen Scarsdale Agency 2012)
2. (fragment) To Ostatnia Niedziela. ARTURAS BUMSTEINAS from ‘Ostatnia Niedziela’ (Echomusic 2012)
3. The Wide-Eyed Love That Dribbles Tears Down Dusted Cheeks. CHRISTOPHER McFALL from ‘Disengaged Songs for Disenchanted Lovers’ (Mandorla 2012)
4. (fragment) Portrait 2. ROLAND ETZIN from ‘TransMongolian’ (Gruenrekorder 2012)
5. (fragment) Pneuma II. SETH COOKE from ‘Pneuma’ (NA)
The Field Reporter Radio #12
The Field Reporter Radio #12
‘Tiempo inmanente’
by David Velez
Piece composed with recordings captured on August of 2012
Photo: Lina Velandia
[bandcamp track=1994168521 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]
The Field Reporter Radio #11
The Field Reporter Radio #11
programmed by Cheryl Tipp
(using fragments from releases by Touch Radio)
[bandcamp track=1410576975 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]
Material featured
Load (Abandoned) SIGNE LIDEN
Thistle JEN BOYD
The Lough’s Breath (2 extracts) TOM LAWRENCE
The Home Recordings PETER PAELINCK
The Field Reporter Radio #10
The Field Reporter Radio #10
‘Paisajes sonoros de parques naturales de Colombia’
by José Ricardo Delgado Franco
Jose Ricardo Delgado Franco is a phonographist from Colombia who captures beautiful and compelling sounds in different natural areas in Colombia. Here we will publish a series of recordings from his project ‘Algunos paisajes sonoros de Colombia’
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1. Ocaso y amanecer en el Paujil
2. Cerro Thomas en el PNN Tuparro
3. Adentro de la Cueva de los Guacharos_
4. Ranas en la Reserva el Paujil
5. Arroyo en la reserva el Paujil
The Field Reporter Radio #9
The Field Reporter Radio #9
programmed by Flavien Gillié
(using fragments taken from the Aporee maps project)
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Hay in Barn. MATT DAVIES
Abandoned Soviet MiG Bunkers. STEVEN ROWELL
Pan van Persijn, Katwijk, Nederland. THIJS GERITZ
Varanasi by the ghats. MICHAEL NORTHAM
Berlin, urban hospital. UDO NOLL
Luang Prabang, Sisavangvong Road. FLAVIEN GILLIÉ
Symphony of Groans, Spreepark abandonned fun fair. PETER CUSACK
Lithuania, Utena, strange industrial sound. SALA
Umeå. Gammlia, Sirens test. MARTIN HOGG
Berlin, schwarzer kanal, rain. KRIS LIMBACH
Teltow, marktplatz brunnen. HENRICK SCHRÖEDER
Sounds of the seaside – hypdrophone under pier. JOE STEVENS
The Field Reporter Radio #8
programmed by John McEnroe
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1. (fragment) Agujero imperfecto. CARLOS VILLENA from
‘Mil aún no es uno” -with VACIO PERFECTO- (Mantricum 2012)
2. (fragment) Iesc. TARAB from ‘Acquiescence’ (Kaon 2012)
3. (fragment) The Psychologically Ultimate Thunderstorm.
IRVING SOLOMON TEIBEL from Environments: Disc 4 (Atlantic 1974)
4. (fragment) Mina. DARIUS CIUTA from ‘Mina’ (Green Field 2012)
5. (fragment) Rana. PETER CAELDRIES from ‘Jhirna Jali’ (Gruenrekorder 2012)
6. (fragment) Frozen moment. JACQUES SODELL from
‘Frozen moments’ (Kaon 2011)
7. (fragment) Array. CHRISTOPHER McFALL from
‘The Alpha is Strong and Amplifying Beta’ (Impulsive Habitat 2011)
8. (fragment) Taurion, trou de lapin. DALE LLOYD from
‘Taurion, trou de lapin’ (Kaon 2012)
9. (fragment) Early morning in Lian Yungang. CHRIS LYNN from
‘The clouds have settled in’ (Just Not Normal 2010)
The Field Reporter Radio #7
The Field Reporter Radio #7
programmed by Cheryl Tipp
[bandcamp track=3597444998 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]
material included comes from (in alphabetical order)
“O Rio/The River” LUIS ANTERO (Impulsive Habitat 2012)
“3pr(iii)2ses” LUIS ANTERO (Earsheltering 2010)
“Mountain upon a Phosphorescent Sky” JAMES McDOUGALL (Impulsive Habitat 2010)
“Frick Pond” DAVID MICHAEL (Fieldcraft Records 2011)
“Colony” HIROKI SASAJIMA (Impulsive Habitat 2012)
“Rio Douro” VIRGILIO OLIVEIRA (Green Field Recordings 2012)
The Field Reporter Radio #6
The Field Reporter Radio #6
programmed by Alan Smithee
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1. (fragment) Ulu lone. YANNICK DAUBY, MARC NAMBLARD from
‘Ulu lone’ (Silence Radio 2006)
2. (fragment) Zanshin Particles. CHRISTOPH LIMBACH from
‘3Priiises Vol.4’ (Earsheltering 2012)
3. (fragment) Vale de Maceira Soundscape. LUIS ANTERO from
‘4 Aldeias Vol. 2’ (Mimi 2012)
4. (fragment) Zanshin Particles. CHRISTOPH LIMBACH from
‘3Priiises Vol.4’ (Earsheltering 2012)
5. (fragment) Areal. RICHARD GARET from ‘Areal’ (23five 2012)
6. (fragment) Ulu lone. YANNICK DAUBY, MARC NAMBLARD from
‘Ulu lone’ (Silence Radio 2006)
The Field Reporter Radio #5
The Field Reporter Radio #5
programmed by uncredited
[soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /]
1. (fragment) ISZ from Form 01 from “Forms” (Inside 2011)
2. (fragment) CHRIS WHITEHEAD from Tethys from “Gryphaea”
(Obs 2012)
3. (fragment) THE BEIGE CHANNEL from Part One from
“The Nail House of Yang Wu” (Stasisfield 2011)
4. Moraine GLENN BACH from “Radia” (Dust, Unsettled 2012)
5. (fragment) MARK VERNON from Untitled (track 1)
from “Static cinema” (Entr’acte 2012)
6. (fragment) FRANCOIS-EMMANUEL FODERE from Enfer Mecanique from “3pr(iii)3 ses” (Earsheltering 2012)
7. (fragment) GLENN BACH from Basin 1 from “Radia”
(Dust, Unsettled 2012)
The Field Reporter Radio #4
The Field Reporter Radio #4 “F-I”
piece composed by Darius Ciuta
[bandcamp track=3569256666 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]
The Field Reporter Radio #3
The Field Reporter Radio #3 “Sub-Eco”
piece composed by Alejandro Henao, Miguel Isaza
[bandcamp track=1877492148 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]
A world built of constant nature flows between residues of industrial evolution that shape a deep, decadent and almost artificial valley that despite of being plagued by incessant machinery, still retains a substance of “life” somewhere inside. A sonic tour trough derived realities, extracted live in an improvisation of Alejandro Henao and Miguel Isaza, combining/processing recordings both did in the valley during 2011 and 2012.
In collaboration with Invisible Valley
The Field Reporter Radio #2
The Field Reporter Radio #2 “Kone ja sielu”
piece composed by Jukka Vakkinen-Kannonen
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Jukka Vakkinne-Kannonen visited a series of factories in rural areas near Tampere, Finland to capture sounds from machines and industrial processes in a natural environment. He made a brief montage with them leaving them untreated and sent us the piece “Kone ja sielu” (machines and soul) to us for our second radio show.
These are two sentences that Jukka choose to articulate with this work and with his interest with the sounds from machines and factories.
“People who record birdsong generally do it very early, before six o’clock, if they can. Soon after that, the invasion of distant noise in most woodland becomes too constant and too loud.”
-Richard Adams from Watership Down
“…technology wasn’t invented by us humans. Rather the other way around. As anthropologists and biologists admit, even the simplest life forms, infusoria (tiny algae synthesized by light at the edges of tidepools a few million years ago) are already technical devices.”
-Jean Francois Lyotard from The Inhuman
The Field Reporter Radio #1
The Field Reporter Radio #1
programmed by John McEnroe
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1. (fragment) PABLO RECHE from “Luz Ultravioleta” (Siridisc 2012)
2. (fragment) ARTIFICIAL MEMORY TRACE from
“Threshold delphinus delphis” (Tentacles of Perception 2010)
3. Part First -An Uncertain Distance- SIMON WHETHAM from
“Prayers unheard” (Dragon’s Eye 2011)
“Lind, raud, aastaajad” (Invisible Birds 2012)
5. (fragment) KARLHEINZ STOCKHOUSEN from “Mikrophonie I”
(Deutsche Grammophon 1975)
6. (fragment) PIERRE HENRY from “Variations for a door and a sigh” (Limelight 1968)
7. (fragment) CHRIS WATSON from “A journey south” (Touch 2010)
[…] @ The Field Reporter / Retrospective Post from 2012 (Part I) Noteworthy sounds and works from 2012 Featuring editorial notes, quotes, sounds, recordings and anything that the editorial staff and […]