

by frank bretschneider

LINE is proud to present the latest work by Berlin based artist Frank Bretschneider. Renowned for his mastery of rhythmic elements throughout his discography, Bretschneider has set this palette aside for an unexpected and unsettling exploration into sensorial space.

Isolation was initially composed in 2012 as part of the installation “Zwei Zellen/Hörgang Bautzen II” by Moritz von Rappard and Thomas Ritschel at the former Stasi prison Bautzen II, in Bautzen, Germany. This notorious prison, actively used from 1956 to 1989, held political prisoners under severe incommunicado incarceration conditions.

Isolation undertakes an auditive journey along the narrow edges between the inner and outer acoustic world. This work attempts to explore and interpret the impact of longtime sensory deprivation and how this environment changes the auditory perception of prisoners as well as such effects as perceptual disorders and tinnitus.

At times seemingly suspended in mid air and at other points jarring, Isolation migrates through unnerving sonic headspaces. Isolation is the second full length edition by Frank Bretschneider for LINE after his acclaimed 2012 work Kippschwingungen (LINE_057).