
Oceanoise 2015


OCEANOISE2015, a symposium to be hosted (11-15 May) in Vilanova i la Geltrú (around 40km South from Barcelona, Spain) by the Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics (LAB) of the Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTech.

The growing scientific and societal concern about the effects of underwater sound on marine ecosystems has been recently recognized through the introduction of several international initiatives aiming at measuring the environmental impact of ocean noise at large spatial and temporal scales.

OCEANOISE2015 will bring together international leading experts in noise measurement, modeling and mapping, physiological and behavioural effects as well as regulation and mitigation procedures.

OCEANOISE2015 format aims at favouring a dynamic exchange of the latest findings in the field of ocean noise in order to assist in providing ocean users with the best scientific knowledge and technical solutions to address operational and environmental issues.

Official website