
New STR Release by José Ricardo Delgado Featuring Natural Soundscapes from Colombia


The WLD2013 compilation we did was a total success. We have received a lot of great responses and opinions, also in less than a week we exhausted the limit on Bandcamp and the FTP downloads have been very active. That clearly showed me the big potential Sonic Terrain has for spreading the word about the great work being done by lots of artists/recordists and creating a nice place for field recordings to be listened in good qualities. That’s why I decided to keep receiving sound works of anyone interested on publishing their recordings and compositions (info for sending demos). They all get published under Creative Commons, in high quality releases (MP3/FLAC).

For STR006 we’re presenting “Atmósferas Sonoras Acuosas del Nevado del Dulima” (Watery Sonic Atmospheres of Dulima’s Snow Mountains) a sound work by colombian artist José Ricardo Delgado. A special release including raw field recordings made in Tolima (Dulima is the ancient name), Colombia, in a natural reserve called “Los Nevados National Park” located in the Andes mountains.

José recently released another great album featuring other recordings from the same place, which he visited this year. For Sonic Terrain, he specially prepared some hypnotic and detailed soundscapes, this time focused on water elements found around the environment, including a nice water stream, the activity on a wetland and a fantastic capture of the relationship between wind and delicate water drops. All of these recordings were captured with a deep sense of connection with nature, which José shows on his release notes, for which he wanted to just use the following poem of Li Bai:

“You ask why I make my home in the mountain forest,
and I smile, and am silent,
and even my soul remains quiet:
it lives in the other world
which no one owns.
The peach trees blossom,
The water flows.”

RELEASE PAGE: STR006 – Atmósferas Sonoras Acuosas del Valle del Dulima

ARTIST PAGE: José Ricardo Delgado – Atmósferas Sonoras