
New Book: Sonic Thinking, A Media Philosophical Approach


Bloomsbury has announced Sonic Thinking, a new book with 344 pages on sonic philosophy and sound studies to be published on February 23, next year, edited by Bernd Herzogenrath, with participation of a very interesting team of contributors who explore the idea of “thinking with and through sound”.

IT can be pre-ordered now at the official site or Amazon.

“Sonic Thinking attempts to extend the burgeoning field of media philosophy, which so far is defined by a strong focus on cinema, to the field of sound. The contributors urge readers to re-adjust their ideas of Sound Studies by attempting to think not only about sound [by external criteria, such as (cultural) meaning], but to think with and through sound. Series editor Bernd Herzogenrath’s collection serves two interconnected purposes: in developing an alternative philosophy of music that takes music serious as a ‘form of thinking’; and in bringing this approach into a fertile symbiosis with the concepts and practices of ‘artistic research’: art, philosophy, and science as heterogeneous, yet coequal forms of thinking and researching. Including contributions by both established figures and younger scholars working on cutting edge material, and weaving artistic responses and interventions in between the more theoretical texts, Herzogenrath’s collection provides a lively introduction to a fresh debate.”


Bernd Herzogenrath: sound thinking – An Introduction

Krien Clevis, Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Zuyd University: Time/Place/Memory. Artistic Research as a Form of Thinking-Through-Media

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  • Lasse-Marc Riek, Gruenrekorder: Walking into Sound
  • Sabine Breitsameter, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences: Soundscape as a System and an Auditory Gestalt
  • Angus Carlyle, University of the Arts London: Memories of Memories of Memories of Memories: Remembering and Recording on The Silent Mountain

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  • Thomas Köner, Musician: Thaumaturgical Topography: Place, Sound and Non-Thinking

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  • Heiner Goebbels, Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, Justus Liebig University: The Sounds of Things
  • Christoph Cox, Hampshire College: Sonic Thought
  • Bernd Herzogenrath, The Goethe University Frankfurt: in|human rhythms
  • Jason Wallin, University of Alberta & Jessie Beier, University of Alberta: Sound Without Organs: Inhuman Refrains & the Speculative Potential of a Cosmos-Without-Us
  • Christoph Lischka, University of Arts Bremen: Buzzing off … Toward Sonic Thinking
  • Jakob Ullmann, Composer: Sound beyond Nature/Sound beyond Culture, or: Why is the Prague Golem

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  • Mark Fell, Artist and Musician: One Dimensional Music Without Context Or Meaning
  • Holger Schulze, University of Copenhagen: How to Think Sonically? On the Generativity of the Flesh
  • Achim Szepanski, Musician: Immanent Non-Musicology: Deleuze|Guattari vs. Laruelle
  • Julia Meier, Singer and Actress: Sonic Figure: The Sound of The Black Soft
  • Adam Harper, Oxford University: Images of Thought | Images of Music
  • Aden Evans, Dartmouth University: Digital Sound, Thought

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  • Sebastian Scherer, The Goethe University Frankfurt: Sonotypes