
Journal of Sonic Studies: Issue 16 on ‘Materials of Sound’, New Podcast Series

The latest issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies is dedicated to “materials of sound”, edited by Caleb Kelly, known for his research on the field.

JSS16, “Materials of Sound” is the first of two issues that respond to a call for sound practices to be thought through the materials of their making. That is, the physical materials that create the sound-producing event are critical to the understanding of the sound produced. In the practices under investigation, arts and culture is read through materials and, in these cases, the materials are sonic.”

JSS also recently started a new podcasts series you might like to listen:

“Responding to the overload of visual media dominating our contemporary senses, Siân Lyn Hutchings and The Noematic Collective will develop a series of interconnected projects that foreground the use of sonic interpretation on site: a series of live weekly podcasts, a tailored programme of sonic workshops and, installed permanently in the Bold Tendencies Auditorium, a sonic library of the site’s ongoing and evolving aural history.

These podcasts are hosted by the Journal of Sonic Studies, and can be auditioned by following this link. New podcast episodes will be added to this page each week.”