
‘Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox’, New Book by Gordon Hempton

Acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton, known as “The Sound Tracker” has published Earth is a Solar Powered Jukebox, a new book dedicated to explore his scientific and artistic perspectives around environmental sound, field recording and sound design.

“Presented in two parts, Forces of Nature and Habitats, all 17 chapters explain such principles of acoustic ecology as how varying amounts of sunlight, precipitation, temperature, and wind produce predictable changes in natural soundscapes. Learn, too, why all animals must hear in order to survive in the  wild. Learn about where to go, what to bring, how to listen, and how to set up and record under nearly all circumstances. Become acquainted with and come to rely upon a powerful sound design management method, built on soundscape pyramids that will allow you to produce complex, yet authentic designs, smoothly and efficiently to meet the most demanding deadlines–and transform your audience into the listeners they were born to be. Novices and experts, alike, will find this comprehensive instruction manual and its final exam invaluable. 270 pages, illustrated with audio (internet connection required).”

It’s available for purchase at Quiet Planet for $9,95 in e-book/PDF format.