
arborescence podcast 28 – fabio perletta

Fabio Perletta (alias Øe) has developed throughout the years a totally personal aesthetic vision, encompassing a myriad of artistic & conceptual fields into a coherent whole. His emancipated creativity blossoms on his own label Farmacia901 : this refuge for qualitative ambient and alternative excursions hosted eminent electronic musicians such as Richard Chartier, Yann Novak or Be Invisible Now! (alias Von Tesla, cf. Podcast #23). His own music has found its purest expression on his last project Insterstitial, a musical artefact made of sonic micro-fissures and fragile beauty. At first, a certain kind of purity also emerges from this mix, enshrouded in a halo of halcyon light. But take care for mysteries and shivers are not as far as it seems…
