
It just ain’t flapping. VA AA LR
-Vasco Alves, Adam Asnan and Louie Rice-
(Consumer Waste 2013)

Review by Patrick Farmer

Finally! Hallelujah! Eureka! Top Horn! An album I can truly enjoy for no reason at all. It just ain’t flapping is at its very best, which really is a height to summit, a geography of misleading proportion. With eyes shut you could be listening for miles, with eyes open, what’s heard remains entrenched underneath the listening foot. There is so much here to play with, and I’ll keep coming back to it until it’s even more raggedy-ass than it already is. Though I have to ask, what’s the point of trying to describe this album whilst I’m enjoying it so much? I feel the question, in a way, is the best description I can proffer. As the CD hops from the speaker cones into the room I ask you to picture the marks on my jubilant face as I encounter over and over such a frisky and unique trio of artists that leave me thinking, fuck, I need to recover my sense of urgency.



VA AA LR website
Vasco Alves website
Adam Asnan website
Louie Rice website
Consumer Waste website






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