
  • Untitled post 15084

    Voices of the Wild: Animal Songs, Human Din, and the Call to Save Natural Soundscapes (The Future Series) Bernie Krause Since 1968, Bernie Krause has traveled the world recording the sounds of remote landscapes, endangered habitats, and rare animal species. …

  • Untitled post 15136

    The Beautiful Music All Around Us: Field Recordings and the American Experience (Music in American Life) Stephen Wade   The Beautiful Music All Around Us presents the extraordinarily rich backstories of thirteen performances captured on Library of Congress field recordings…

  • Untitled post 15235

    Acoustic Communication Barry Truax Since the first edition was published seventeen years ago social and technical changes have altered the world of acoustic communication. This book draws upon many traditional disciplines that deal with specific aspects of sound,and presents material…

  • Untitled post 15393

    The Soundscape of Modernity: Architectural Acoustics and the Culture of Listening in America, 1900–1933 Emily Thompson In this history of aural culture in early-twentieth-century America, Emily Thompson charts dramatic transformations in what people heard and how they listened. What they…

  • Untitled post 15414

    Soundscape Larry Sider The School of Sound is a unique annual event exploring the use of sound in film, which has attracted practitioners, academics and artists from around the world. Soundscape is the first compendium of the event’s presentations that…

  • Untitled post 15621

    Tuning of the World R. Murray Schafer Entertaining recreations of soundscapes of past times and places precede a survey of methods for analyzing present-day soundscapes, distinguishing types of sound, and developing an understanding of the effects of sounds on us…