sonic ecology

  • Sonic Ecologies

    Sonic Ecologies

    Art Laboratory Berlin is glad to launch a new Podcast Channel SONIC ECOLOGIES starting in 2023, supported by the Berlin Senate. The podcast series was conceived by Tuçe Erel, with composition and production by Korhan Erel. Each year the podcast…

  • Listening After Nature: Field Recording, Ecology, Critical Practice

    Listening After Nature: Field Recording, Ecology, Critical Practice

    Listening After Nature examines the constructions and erasures that haunt field recording practice and discourse. Analyzing archival and contemporary soundworks through a combination of post-colonial, ecological and sound studies scholarship, Mark Peter Wright recodes the Field; troubles conceptions of Nature;…

  • Towards a “New” Sonic Ecology, Lecture by Marcel Cobussen

    Towards a “New” Sonic Ecology, Lecture by Marcel Cobussen

    In his inaugural lecture as as professor in Auditory Culture at the University of Leiden, Marcel Cobussen, researcher, founder of the Journal of Sonic Studies and recently co-editor of The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art, exposed a fascinating idea around…