
  • Decomposing Landscape

    Decomposing Landscape

    The concept of landscape has been dominated by certain discourses, and when it comes to sound, what we call landscape,  transcends the visual realm but also gets exposed to a perspective that is not necessarily only apart of what we see,…

  • A Picture of a Thunder

    When it comes to thunderstorms, lightning tends to steal the show, dazzling everyone with its spectacular displays, and overshadowing the powerful long-distance rumbles that accompany the atmospheric energy release. But now a team of scientists working at the Southwest Research…

  • draw with sonograms

    draw with sonograms

    by Ʀinơ Ƥetrozziellͽ ▜▝

  • noisy skeleton

    noisy skeleton

    “To an artificial mind, all reality is virtual. Noisy skeleton is an immersive and interactive installation that explores the link between sound, space and artificial intelligence. From complete control to accidental reaction, the spectactor is completly surrounded by abstracts visuals…