secret thirteen mix 113 – asmus tietchens
tracklist + info @ secret thirteen
New release: Lagan:Behind by Bunú
Happy to announce a new release for free download, called Lagan:Behind, featuring the fantastic work of the sonic duo Bunú. LISTEN
New STR Release: Portscape, by Ward Weis
We have a new release at Sonic Terrain: a composition by sound artist Ward Weis featuring field recordings from the port of Antwerp, Belgium. MORE INFO /DOWNLOAD
New Release: SALA – May I Ask You All For Silence?
Happy to announce a new release here at Sonic Terrain, featuring compositions by Audrius Simkunas, based on field recordings at his hometown in Lithuania. Listen
Place and Sound
Great audio documentary on sound art and field recording, with Francisco Lopez, Jacob Kirkegaard, Jodi Rose and Joseph Bertolozzi. Four unique composers and sound artists who compose using location sound recordings talk about where music begins; does it exist in nature or is…
Green Field Recordings – World Listening Day 2013
As usual since 2010, the year that celebrated the first World Day of Listening, the Portuguese netlabel dedicated to the world of field recording – Green Field Recordings – has invited artists from their catalog, and others who want to join to celebrate the July 18th through special editions. So it was with the first collection VA – The Sound Collector, World Listening Day 2010/2011, with the 2012 edition and now with the launch of this…