the intimate sound system
“The Intimate Sound System” is a mini multi-channel sound system, which is made up of 8 mini-speakers in combination with the standard stereo sound system. The sound in created via a semi-generative sound synthesis patch in SuperCollider with further preparations,…
Make a Mic from Baking Soda & Cream of Tartar
Colin Cunningham at MakeZine has posted this great video on literally cooking up a contact microphone (rochelle salt crystals) from baking soda and cream of tartar. Piezoelectric materials are about as close to magic as you can get. They turn…
Electromagnetism Recording and Sonic Inspiration from Jean-Edouard Miclot
Jean-Edouard Miclot is a sound designer and field recordist, who recently launched his own sound blog. Some days ago, he published a very cool post, where he talks about electromagnetism recording, a really interesting topic for anyone interested on get…