As the result of merging David Vélez’s “The Field Reporter” (2012) and Miguel Isaza’s “Sonic Terrain” (2010) (created along with Nathan Moody) and “infinite grain” (2013), this site arises latter 2015 as a community driven, inter-disciplinary vault for research on sound in multiple angles, openly exploring arts, sciences and philosophies of sound.
It born from dialogues between Vélez and Isaza around the idea of developing a collaborative platform in which ideas, news, chronicles, resources, some speculation and dialogues around sound and listening could be interconnected. Therefore, the site’s approach combines past, current and future tendencies born from a recognition of sound as a vital dimension, universal axis, way of knowledge, with its own practices, proceses, concepts and dimension. From the ways of listening in such reality, to how is the universe inhabited sonically. How sound affects, constructs and mutates, how it manifests nature and expands our imagination; how and why it becomes such elemental and attractive flux.
In order to explore such variety of scales, we find the need of approaching sound openly, that is, collectively, offering a research process weaved in the form of a network, based on interactions and heterogeneous processes and data, with that contributing to a dynamic of inter-subjective resonances, echoes of multiple voices, countless possible realities which together result in what we use to call ‘sonic field’.
Created in Colombia as a non-profit project under creative commons 4.0.