Studio Unknown Podcast
“The First Official StUnCast (Studio Unknown Podcast), Episode 101 “Hawaii I/O” dives into 2 different recording experiences had by Partner and Supervising Sound Editor Matt Davies MPSE, and Sound Editor Rich Bussey while they were having separate holidays in Hawaii.…
BBC Radio 4: Acoustic Ecology
BBC Radio 4 has published a recent program produced by Helen Lennard and focused on acoustic ecology. “Peter Gibbs asks whether sound could become a vital tool in conservation, helping us understand far more about how wildlife interacts and how…
Acoustic Museums and Byzantine Churches
USC Viterbi School of Engineering has an interesting project on acoustic archaeology called Acoustic Museums. Episode 1 features interesting explorations on Byzantine sound. “Collecting the Google Earth of Sound. An international, trans-disciplinary team of researchers take us to Thessaloniki, Greece to…
Sonic Field Radio 002: ‘Par un dimanche matin froid et humide’ by Flavien Gillié’
Sonic Field Radio 001: ‘+-21’ by Darius Ciuta