Bojana Petkovic – Swamp Orchestra


Created by german media artist Bojana Petkovic, Swamp orchestra is an interactive installation in which a sound ecosystem is created to “explore the realm of natural and artificial”. By programming a set of 16 light sensitive sound modules, each producing random sounds in response to flashlight, which directs the sonic processes as the light amount varies.

Each of the modules makes “sound like many biological organisms, such as frogs, birds or insects”, and depending on the light present, they can reach different levels and patterns, creating an interesting interplay of light and sound which despite of being digitally disposed, unfolds in a natural flux.

“Swamp orchestra seemingly functions as sound sculpture which in a subtle way changes the ambience and acoustic experience of the space but also has a substantial presence as a work of physical sculpture.
The set up itself reflects the layout of a concert hall stage on a much smaller scale. The pyramid shape has been carefully chosen for its symbolism as well as modularity where 3 or 5 pyramids form the cube.

The interplay between nature and the machine, human intervention and artifice is complex and multi-layered. The programming, as well as electronics for this installation is excellent example of this. Each of the lamps that shine above every module represents a personal conductor of an oscillator and it is controlled by the Arduino. This enables endless variations of composing the peace but also allows the participant to slow down and notice the subtleties of the composition.”

Bojana Petkovic



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