All the mengen series by Asmus Tietchens (who is probably one of the greatest sound artists of our time) are a must in terms of microsonic exploration. Although they perfectly function as magnificent art pieces, aesthetically detailed and precise, and also random and surprising; there’s a scientific and perceptual aspect on the work of Tietchens that gets manifest over the composition. Z-menge, released at Line is perfect to demonstrate why, since the fantastic sequence of materials and the permanent alternation of sonic time scales, the positions obtained in the space and the continuity of that playful environment, instantly build a new option of reality and gives life to a fantastic world of sounds, in some moments building its place and making its dance in a lovely cliff almost at the silent point. “Another approach to ultimate situations, nearly stillness before becoming silent as Samuel Beckett taught us. End Game. Microtones and structures are only the tools.”