yuki aida & tomotsugu nakamura – ēchóchrōma

front-colourEntropy theory doesn’t apply to sound in the common way, at least not in the aesthetic perspective implied in the act of mutating audio data on a computer where landscapes, objects, tools, people or any moment, can be captured, altered and reintroduced into the ear’s world under exotic amalgams and textures, suggesting new realities in which the sounds’ soul doesn’t transmigrates but changes, thus extending its possibilities to remote havens of timbre. Ēchóchrōma is a perfect sample of that colorful and varying richness of sonic forms, in this case assembled from the microscopic realms by two artists who besides of exhibiting their algorithmic skills, manage to condense a series of tonal strokes, geometric rhythms, surprising melodies and captivating structures; unprecedented granular expressionism able to overcome the chaos and order dichotomy to create its own dynamism, an authentic conception of motion. (Audiobulb)




