Reverse sequences, static minutes, melodies with no time, rhythms without borders. Fragile intensities, fully charged of an engaging microsonic feeling that makes you want to listen to it during the whole day. Tomotsugu Nakamura creates an organic atmosphere where sounds are alive to reflect life as a ceramic, as a thin mixture of fluidly evolving beings (or sounds); able to blend minimalist structures and soft environments into one same mix of purity and reflection. In “Sondium“, musical instruments and field recordings merge to build animated and dynamic organisms, able to relate to each other thus creating an ecosystem of timbre; families of tiny, detailed and delicate grains or melodies organized in such wonderful ways that get to create the illusion of miniature universes inside texture, a journey into sounds that despite of being still and comfortable, maintain an impeccable sense of mystery and flexibility.

tomotsugu nakamura – soundium