I recorded the sounds of thermal vents, mud pots, hot springs and more, while in Yellowstone in September 2011. The first half of the video is mostly mud pots, a famous geyser, and a bubbling hot spring inside a cave but the 2nd half features vents that sound like washing machines, a steam engine, popcorn popping and much more.
This spur of the moment idea was inspired while sitting along side the road in the Lamar Valley and not seeing any wildlife when suddenly, a wolf howled from within the forest just a few hundred feet away. I immediately put the shot gun mic on my camera and discovered a world of sound I had been ignoring. There after, I decided to really focus on the sounds coming from Yellowstone.
I look forward to doing much more sound recording in Yellowstone, hopefully in 2012. And then, I will bring 2 shotgun mics so that I can record in stereo. I have also made my own blimp to overcome wind noise but did not have that in the September trip.
This was shot almost entirely on a Canon XH-A1 in 1080/24p, and using an Audio-Technica AT835b shot gun microphone. A few scenes at the end of the video were shot with a Lumix GH-2

The Thermal Sounds of Yellowstone
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