The Recordist – Train Recording

Frank Bry has published one of those great post he use to make. This time talking about a train he recently recorded.

It’s been about 12 years since I recorded a train. When I lived in Seattle I was able to get some great recordings of all kinds of trains in many environments. When I moved to Idaho in 1997 I soon realized that trains were everywhere. North Idaho is the main Northern route from East to West. 60+ trains a day pass through here so there is always a chance to get recordings year round. I recorded many trains back in the late 90′s but they were with a DAT machine and now I wanted to start recording all theses trains at high resolution. So, it begins!

Right after the 1st train passed there was another train coming from the other direction. I did not see or hear it and was waiting for the last train car to fade out and then suddenly it was roaring by. This second train made a sad wailing sound as it carved the turn and was slowing down. Nice!

There’s also a cool video with live action of that huge (and long!) beast:

Go to The Recordist for more details and pictures.


One response to “The Recordist – Train Recording”

  1. Arthur Avatar

    Is it that you record loud sounds with the Mic pointed away from the source?
    I was full into that train. Nice stuff guys…

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