
  • A Picture of a Thunder

    When it comes to thunderstorms, lightning tends to steal the show, dazzling everyone with its spectacular displays, and overshadowing the powerful long-distance rumbles that accompany the atmospheric energy release. But now a team of scientists working at the Southwest Research…

  • lissajous


    Lissajous is a complex audio/video signal generator built in Max/MSP and inspired by the work of Jules Antoine Lissajous. The software shows sound oscillations as XY matrix functions and creates complex graphics curves. Lissajous graphically describes sound and allow observation…

  • tipping point

    tipping point

    Kathy Hinde’s music merges machinery and natural stimuli to create stunning sound and visual aesthetics. Her music and visual art grows from a partnership between nature and technology. Her sculptural sound installation, Tipping Point, invites us to consider our relationship…

  • cure


    musica di LEXITHIMIE | a minute in the “minus” place | audiovisual installation – 2015 by minus . log

  • infinite

    by hibanana studio

  • parallel

    Parallel is a music installation which represents the synthesis of MFA thesis work for artist K. Michael Fox surrounding computer music, granular synthesis, and real-time generative music systems. The installation is manifest as a mobile device app, which calls upon…