
  • Cities Unlocked, Sound-Based System for Guiding Blind People Through Cities

    Cities Unlocked, Sound-Based System for Guiding Blind People Through Cities

    Cities Unlocked is a recent project that aims to use a “3D soundscape” system for helping people with sight loss navigate through cities. On a typical day, Jennifer Bottom makes her way around London with her guide dog in tow.…

  • Montreal Subway Soundwalk

    Montreal Subway Soundwalk

    Interesting soundwalk by Dan Tapper at North American Sound Diaries Sherbrooke to Jean-Drapeau station, Montreal – Quebec My second post for North American Sound Diaries week is a soundwalk recorded in Montreal, travelling on the subway between Sherbrooke and Jean-Drapeau stations.…

  • Cities & Memory

    Cities & Memory

    Cities and Memory is a sound programme that records both the present reality of a place, but also its imagined, alternative counterpart – remixing the world, one sound at at time. Every faithful field recording document here is accompanied by a reworking,…

  • “The Acoustic City”, New Book Edited by Matthew Gandy & BJNilsen

    “The Acoustic City”, New Book Edited by Matthew Gandy & BJNilsen

    “The Acoustic City, 208 page Book + 22 track CD. Edited by Matthew Gandy & BJNilsen and published by Jovis. The acoustic city consists of a series of cutting-edge essays on sound and the city accompanied by a specially commissioned CD.…