
  • infinite grain 11: franz rosati

    infinite grain 11: franz rosati

    [infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring…

  • New Book: The Sonic Boom

    New Book: The Sonic Boom

    Joel Beckerman and Tyler Gray have published a new book called The Sonic Boom: How Sound Transforms the Way We Think, Feel, and Buy. A surprising look at the hidden power of sound, revealing how people and brands can use it to…

  • Layered Memories: Searching for Sound

    Layered Memories: Searching for Sound

    Nice documentary by Red Bull Music Academy on the sonic exploration of Yosi Horikawa. It’s clear that Yosi Horikawa is not only obsessed with music, but sound itself. The Japanese producer consistently incorporates field recordings into his tracks to vibrant…

  • ruins in the distance

    ruins in the distance

    “The title can hopefully act as a reminder of what all our efforts as a species and a society may amount to if we do not take the necessary precautions to safeguard against our own demise. The audio component is…

  • franz rosati – ruins

    franz rosati – ruins

    Transformation, transfiguration, transmutation. Matter is always changing and what’s called destruction becomes just a new form of creation. Nature is mutating energy and perhaps sonic phenomena is the best example of it; and better than that is the perception of that sonic manifestation…