
  • CALL FOR WORKS: Sonic, Social, Distance and Soundtracks for Strange Days

    CALL FOR WORKS: Sonic, Social, Distance and Soundtracks for Strange Days

      In an interview with Digicult, Salomé Voegelin describes, “I understand sound, exactly because of its formless in-between nature”.[1] As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into some sort of social restriction…self-isolation, social isolation, physical…

  • Pierre Henry (1927 – 2017)

    Pierre Henry (1927 – 2017)

    Concrete musique pioneer Pierre Henry has passed away yesterday at the age of 89. Our condolences to family and friends and our ears open to remembrance. Vía Le monde

  • #SoundCon 2016: Call & Application for Online Conferences

    #SoundCon 2016: Call & Application for Online Conferences

    SoundCon is an online conference happening this year and dedicated to explore several topics around sound. It is partnering with World Listening Day 2016 to offer live streaming of discussions and presentations around this year’s WLD theme, “Sounds Lost & Found”. It…

  • Bernie Krause on Recording the Sounds of Extinction

    Bernie Krause on Recording the Sounds of Extinction Beautifully produced by Great Big Story, Recording the Sounds of Extinction briefly exposes the ecological situation which is the core of Bernie Krause’s work, who, as you may have previously seen listened, is mainly dedicated to acoustic ecology and field recording of…

  • Untitled post 15214

    Sounds and Perception: New Philosophical Essays Matthew Nudds & Casey O’Callaghan *Sounds and Perception *is a collection of original essays on auditory perception and the nature of sounds – an emerging area of interest in the philosophy of mind and…

  • Untitled post 15283

    Sounds: A Philosophical Theory Casey O’Callaghan Vision dominates philosophical thinking about perception, and theorizing about experience in cognitive science has traditionally focused on a visual model. In a radical departure from established practice, Casey O’Callaghan provides a systematic treatment of…