Sonic Acts – The Geological Imagination, Video Documentation with Talks, Performances, More
Sonic Acts Festival has been uploading some new videos to their YoutTube channel featuring amazing content from their edition on Geological Imagination, including talks, performances, interviews, etc. They are not all of them precisely focused on sound directly but on a…
Pierre Henry (1927 – 2017)
Concrete musique pioneer Pierre Henry has passed away yesterday at the age of 89. Our condolences to family and friends and our ears open to remembrance. Vía Le monde
Journal of Sonic Studies 14 Now Online
The 14th issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies is online for free reading. “Although many JSS issues are thematically organized, often with the help and under the responsibility of a guest editor and established without a public call for submissions, we deem…
Tokyo Experimental Performance Archive: Aki Onda
Amazing performance by Aki Onda. More at the Onda’s website | TEPA