sound studies
Journal of Sonic Studies 19 ─ Sounds of Latin America
The latest issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies is now available online. “The editorial team of The Journal of Sonic Studies (JSS) is happy and proud to announce that JSS19 is online now. Please click here for the Table of Contents…
Sound Studies Journal, Vol 6, Issue 1
Sound Studies Journal has published its first issue of 2020, this time dedicated to explore “the vibrational materiality of sound and its status as an epistemological object”, as explained by Veit Erlmann from the University of Texas at Austin: “The…
Salomé Voegelin: “I understand sound, exactly because of its formless in-between nature”
Digicult has published a wonderful interview with Salomé Voegelin, conducted by Leandro Pisano, where they talk about several issues around Voegelin’s research ideas, specially her perspectives around the political possibility of sound, which is the central topic of her latest…