
  • Untitled post 15268

    The Rhythmic Event: Art, Media, and the Sonic Eleni Ikoniadou The sonic has come to occupy center stage in the arts and humanities. In the age of computational media, sound and its subcultures can offer more dynamic ways of accounting…

  • frank bretschneider + steve roden – suite nuit

    frank bretschneider + steve roden – suite nuit

    There are scales of rhythm in which space is a bidirectional alliance between time and shape, influencing the perception of space but also the space for perception, as in Suite Nuit, where Frank Bretschneider and Steve Roden are merged into two sonic torrents that envelop rhythms in…

  • angklung


    by medialab lasalle

  • pe lang – polarization | nº 1

    pe lang – polarization | nº 1

    Motors, linear polarization filters, various mechanical parts Size: 110 x 110 x 4 cm Year: 2014 pelang.ch

  • tomotsugu nakamura – soundium

    tomotsugu nakamura – soundium

    Reverse sequences, static minutes, melodies with no time, rhythms without borders. Fragile intensities, fully charged of an engaging microsonic feeling that makes you want to listen to it during the whole day. Tomotsugu Nakamura creates an organic atmosphere where sounds are alive to…