
  • Pauline Oliveros on the Difference Between Hearing and Listening

    Pauline Oliveros on the Difference Between Hearing and Listening

    A new TEDtalk by Pauline Oliveros has been published on YouTube. It’s great, as anything you could expect from her. She talks about the deep listening process, her considerations around whats truly listen and how it reflects on our lives.…

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    The Psychology of Sound Henry J. Watt Originally published in 1917, this book was written to provide a purely psychological analysis and theory of the process of hearing. The text begins with a discussion of auditory sensations and their attributes,…

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    Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema David Sonnenschein Offers user-friendly knowledge and stimulating exercises to help compose story, develop characters and create emotion through skillful creation of the sound track.

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    Ubiquitous Listening: Affect, Attention, and Distributed Subjectivity Anahid Kassabian How does the constant presence of music in modern life—on iPods, in shops and elevators, on television—affect the way we listen? With so much of this sound, whether imposed or chosen,…

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    Sound, Music, Affect: Theorizing Sonic Experience Marie Thompson & Ian Biddle Sound, Music, Affect features brand new essays that bring together the burgeoning developments in sound studies and affect studies. The first section sets out key methodological and theoretical concerns,…

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    Listening, Thinking, Being: Toward an Ethics of Attunement Lisbeth Lipari Although listening is central to human interaction, its importance is often ignored. In the rush to speak and be heard, it is easy to neglect listening and disregard its significance…