
  • SoundCamp 2015

    SoundCamp is a series of outdoor listening events on International Dawn Chorus Day, linked by REVEIL: a 24 hour broadcast that tracks the sounds of daybreak, travelling West from microphone to microphone, on sounds relayed live by audio streamers around…

  • Soundscape: The Physical Sounds of Manhattan

    Soundscape: The Physical Sounds of Manhattan

    Soundscape is a project by Art Director and Graphic Designer John Davies. It focusses on the physicalization and visualization of music by shining a light on the rich and vibrant history of New York City ingrained in the various neighbourhoods…

  • Christine Sun Kim: A New Way to Listen

    Christine Sun Kim: A New Way to Listen

    Though she was born deaf, Christine Sun Kim’s favorite medium to work with is sound. We visited her Brooklyn studios and she showed us what she has in store for her Lincoln Reimagine Project. As a Lincoln Reimagine Project honoree,…

  • Reveil


    REVEIL is a durational sound event by the London based artist collective, soundCamp. Starting near the Greenwich Meridian on 2 MAY 2015, REVEIL will travel West with the rising sun, relaying the sounds of daybreak provided by a community of…

  • ‘Save our Sounds’, by The British Library

    ‘Save our Sounds’, by The British Library

    ‘Save our sounds’ is a British Library’s project aimed to preserve its sound archive. The nation’s sound collections are under threat, both from physical degradation and as the means of playing them disappear from production. Archival consensus internationally is that we have approximately 15…

  • Into the Wood

    Into the Wood

    Into the Wood is an environment-themed electro-acoustic performance that uses wood as its main source of sound for the creation of sound textures, rhythms and melodies. The resulting sound lays the foundations for building a new relationship between timber and humans:…