
  • Untitled post 15340

    MP3: The Meaning of a Format (Sign, Storage, Transmission) Jonathan Sterne MP3: The Meaning of a Format recounts the hundred-year history of the world’s most common format for recorded audio. Understanding the historical meaning of the MP3 format entails rethinking…

  • Limited Definition(s) and Sound Cultures: MP3s, Soundscapes, Power; Lecture by Jonathan Sterne

    Jonathan Sterne lecture @ The Center for the Humanities, 2012. What does the world’s most popular format for recording tell us about human history? What are the connections between the history of sound and the defining features of modernity, from developments in…

  • Impulsive Habitat Reaches 100 Releases

    Impulsive Habitat Reaches 100 Releases

    Impulsive Habitat has reached its 100th release. A good reason to venture out to listen something great in one of the most interesting and well curated labels in the network. Impulsive Habitat is a publishing label focused on field recording-based works.…