
  • noisy skeleton

    noisy skeleton

    “To an artificial mind, all reality is virtual. Noisy skeleton is an immersive and interactive installation that explores the link between sound, space and artificial intelligence. From complete control to accidental reaction, the spectactor is completly surrounded by abstracts visuals…

  • spatiality in acousmatic music, by denis smalley

    spatiality in acousmatic music, by denis smalley

    CIRMMT Distinguished Lectures in the Science and Technology of Music. Denis Smalley, City University, UK / 23 January 2014 – Tanna Schulich Hall.

  • untitled ii & v

    untitled ii & v

    Untitled II – Sound Sculpture/ Instrument by Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri and Pe Lang. Untitled II builds on modified membranophones developed by Marianthi Paplexandri-Alexandri as main instruments utilizing Pe Lang’s motor-activated devices. Materials: motors, acrylic glass, nylon line, silicone | Year: 2010 Untitled V –…