
  • Salomé Voegelin on silent agency, auditory imagination and the listening avatar

    Salomé Voegelin on silent agency, auditory imagination and the listening avatar

    Interesting article by Salomé Voegelin at four by three magazine, featuring some reflections about the agency of oneself and others in silence, the contemporary processes happening on listening and aspects of auditory imagination, addressing interesting issues and also pointing to some writings of…

  • Reflections on Process in Sound – Issue 4

    Reflections on Process in Sound – Issue 4

    Reflections on Process in Sound has released a fourth issue its journal. “This fourth issue presents perspectives from international locations, it includes collaborative viewpoints and hybrid writings manifesting process and reflections about process. Chris Weaver explores the creation of Variations for…

  • Ground Quarterly – Sound

    Ground Quarterly – Sound

    Issue 30 of Ground Quartely, a magazine by OALA (Ontario Association of Landscape Architects) is dedicated to sound. Here’s the outline: Up Front Information on the Ground Sound:  Subway Station Soundscape Animal control through acoustics TEXT BY CLAIRE NELISCHER Round…

  • Sonospace


    The Sonospace website splits up into a magazine and a sound archive. They both interconnect with some of the wider issues that we see over the course of our contributors’ research projects and represent our mission to bring interesting and…

  • An Antidote to Indifference, Field Recording Special by Cheryl Tipp

    An Antidote to Indifference, Field Recording Special by Cheryl Tipp

    Cheryl Tipp, the curator of wildlife sound recordings at the British Library has contributed to a special edition of An Antidote to Indifference fanzine, dedicated to field recording.

  • Field Notes #3: Traces

    Field Notes #3: Traces

    Gruenrekorder has published the third edition of their Field Notes publication. Articles: 1. Tom Lawrence: The Waterbeetles of Pollardstown Fen 2. Scott Sherk: Phonography: Art or Documentation? 3. Jim Cummings: My Ears will Never be the Same 4. Marcus Kürten et al.: ‘Something Which…