Bodies of Sound: Becoming a Feminist Ear
Bodies of Sound greatly contribute to sound studies with 220 pages in which dozens of feminist voices speak, encounter, resonate, and radically listen. Edited by Irene Revell and Sarah Shin and to be published November 12th this year by Silver…
Sounding Women’s Work
Over this year, Seismograf Magazine has published two special issues entirely dedicated to women in sound, called “Focus Sounding Women’s Work”, in which they aim “to put sound to the professional minority of artists who identify as women, […] to…
Sonic Cyberfeminisms, Call for Contributions
University of Lincoln, UK, has opened a call for contributions –including papers, workshops and performances– for upcoming Sonic Cyberfeminisms conference, to take place 5-6th May this year. “In recent years, the relationship between sound, gender and technology has gained increasing attention.…
The Threat to Female Field-Recorders
Pitchfork has published an article by Lucy Jones where she explores if women practicing field recording are exposed to certain risks or vulnerability, determining what are the feelings and possibilities during recording situation in different environments. “[…] I wondered whether…