
  • If a glacier melts on a mountain, does anyone hear it?

    If a glacier melts on a mountain, does anyone hear it?

    Nice field report by Gustavo Valdivia and Tomás Tello on their trip to a large glacier high in the Andes. In June 2014 the two of us—an anthropologist and an experimental musician, both from Peru– visited Quelccaya, a large glacier high…

  • Crowdfunding The Quiet

    Crowdfunding The Quiet

    As a way to combat his own anxiety of noise and crowds of cities, Jason Sweeney embarked on a worldwide quest for quiet in 2013 in our modern urban jungles. He created the TED Prize winning Stereopublic: Crowdsourcing the Quiet – www.stereopublic.net – a participatory art project…

  • franz rosati – ruins a/v

    franz rosati – ruins a/v

    more info

  • Suoni dal Confine #1 – Venice

    Suoni dal Confine #1 – Venice

    “Suoni dal confine” a new project curated by Leandro Pisano wants to describe those transformations and transitions that traditional soundscape has gone through in the last years. In order to do that we merge together different level of arts (live…

  • The Sound of Silence

    The Sound of Silence

    Great article by Virginia Morell talking about nature, industrialization, quiet places, and silence. Features commentaries from recordist, composer and bioacoustician Bernie Krause, bioacoustician Kurt Fristrup and recordist Gordon Hempton. “Listen,” said Bernie Krause. He rolled down his car window, and we…

  • HÖRT_OHÖRT Issue 1 – A Sonic Guide to Umea

    New Hört_Ohört book series by Martin Hoggs dedicated to explore the sound of specific places. This is the first in a set of publications designed to encourage exploration and develop deeper awareness of the soundscape around us, our acoustic environment,…