
  • noisy skeleton

    noisy skeleton

    “To an artificial mind, all reality is virtual. Noisy skeleton is an immersive and interactive installation that explores the link between sound, space and artificial intelligence. From complete control to accidental reaction, the spectactor is completly surrounded by abstracts visuals…

  • Layered Memories: Searching for Sound

    Layered Memories: Searching for Sound

    Nice documentary by Red Bull Music Academy on the sonic exploration of Yosi Horikawa. It’s clear that Yosi Horikawa is not only obsessed with music, but sound itself. The Japanese producer consistently incorporates field recordings into his tracks to vibrant…

  • Cities & Memory

    Cities & Memory

    Cities and Memory is a sound programme that records both the present reality of a place, but also its imagined, alternative counterpart – remixing the world, one sound at at time. Every faithful field recording document here is accompanied by a reworking,…

  • Exclusive Interview with Diego Stocco, A “Sound Magician”

    Exclusive Interview with Diego Stocco, A “Sound Magician”

    You probably have heard about Diego Stocco, a composer and sound designer with a pretty particular way of creating sonic experiences mostly using rare instruments, found sounds and by doing special explorations of the sonic environment. He has done a…