designing sound
CALL FOR WORK: Wayback Sound Machine, a constellation of sounding time
Wayback Sound Machine: a constellation of sounding time, is an ongoing series that will be published right here on Sonic Field throughout 2018. series abstract: What can we gather from sounding the past? And with that in mind, what is…
Sounding the Archives: Sounding the past towards a future living archive
A message from the author: The following is writing from an earlier time in my recent research project, Wayback Sound Machine: Sound through time, space, and place. It felt an appropriate beginning to share here as the first part of the…
Interview with The Sound Tracker
Very nice interview with Gordon Hempton, published by Shaun Farley at Designing Sound. Gordon Hempton is one of the world’s foremost nature sound recordists. He’s won an Emmy, been the subject of a documentary, is an activist for acoustic ecology,…