deep listening
Quantum Listening, Pauline Oliveros’ Manifesto for Listening as Activism
Ignota has published Pauline Oliveros’ Quantum Listening manifesto, with introduction by IONE, foreword by Laurie Anderson and illustrations by Aura Satz. “What is the difference between hearing and listening? Does sound have consciousness? Can you imagine listening beyond the edge of…
A Year of Deep Listening
A Year of Deep Listening is a wonderful idea from the Center of Deep Listening aimed to present 365 Listening scores, one each day, beginning on Pauline Oliveros’ 90th birthday: May 30, 2022. The celebration remembers the invaluable legacy of…
Jordan Lacey: Some thoughts on the contemporary Urban-Nature Division
A note from the editor, on Sonic, Social, Distance: In an interview with Digicult, Salomé Voegelin describes, “I understand sound, exactly because of its formless in-between nature”.[1] As more than a third of the planet’s human population has gone into…
Pauline Oliveros, Deep Listener (1932 – 2016)
Exactly one month ago, artist and theorist Pauline Oliveros passed away, but her legacy remains in our hearts, where, as she knew and taught, our listening experience expands. Among a wide variety of things she did in her extensive career, she…
Pauline Oliveros on the Difference Between Hearing and Listening
A new TEDtalk by Pauline Oliveros has been published on YouTube. It’s great, as anything you could expect from her. She talks about the deep listening process, her considerations around whats truly listen and how it reflects on our lives.…
Sounding the Margins: Collected Writings 1992-2009 Pauline Oliveros Sounding the Margins: Collected Writings 1992-2009 by composer, performer, humanitarian, and Deep Listening™ founder Pauline Oliveros document her activity over this period and the many recent advances that have taken place in…