
  • bipolar morning

    bipolar morning

    by Ʀinơ Ƥetrozziellͽ ▜▝

  • phantom terrains

    phantom terrains

    Streams of wireless data surge from internet exchanges and cellphone relays, flowing from routers to our devices and back again. This saturation of data has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, yet it is completely invisible to us. What…

  • The Mystery of a Singing Comet

    The Mystery of a Singing Comet

    Rosetta’s Plasma Consortium (RPC) has uncovered a mysterious ‘song’ that Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is singing into space. The comet seems to be emitting a ‘song’ in the form of oscillations in the magnetic field in the comet’s environment. It is being…

  • infinite grain 06: mise_en_scene

    infinite grain 06: mise_en_scene

    [infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] Shay Nassi born and lives in Tel-Aviv, Israel. He’s most known in the…

  • sound of an atom, music of molecules

    sound of an atom, music of molecules

    Two interesting articles on microsonic adventures in science: the sound of an atom (more info at science / via motherboard) “Researchers at Columbia University and Sweden’s Chalmers University of Technology say that they have, for the first time, “captured” the…

  • The Visual Microphone, Translating Subtle Vibrations into Audio (from Video)

    The Visual Microphone, Translating Subtle Vibrations into Audio (from Video)

    Interesting project by MIT scientists who have found a way of translating subtle vibrations of solid objects into audio information, through the use of high-speed cameras. When sound hits an object, it causes small vibrations of the object’s surface. We show…