curtis roads
Composing Electronic Music: A New Aesthetic Curtis Roads Electronic music evokes new sensations, feelings, and thoughts in both composers and listeners. Opening the door to an unlimited universe of sound, it engages spatialization as an integral aspect of composition and…
Microsound Curtis Roads Below the level of the musical note lies the realm of microsound, of sound particles lasting less than one-tenth of a second. Recent technological advances allow us to probe and manipulate these pinpoints of sound, dissolving the…
The Computer Music Tutorial (Technology) Curtis Roads The Computer Music Tutorial is a comprehensive text and reference that covers all aspects of computer music, including digital audio, synthesis techniques, signal processing, musical input devices, performance software, editing systems, algorithmic composition,…
composing electronic music – a new aesthetic, by curtis roads
“Composing electronic music – A new aesthetic” is a new book by Curtis Roads to be published in July (update: that’s for the printed version, because the ebook is already available, at least at google play) which promises to be offer “new…