Wayback Sound Machine, A sonic constellation compilation Part 3
A message from the editor: This Sonic Constellation Compilation is part of the ongoing series: WAYBACK SOUND MACHINE, A CONSTELLATION OF SOUNDING TIME, which asks What can we gather from sounding the past–and with that in mind, what is…
Thousands of Bird Recordings Organized by Artificial Intelligence in this Interactive Experiment
Bird Sounds is a Google A.I. experiment created by Kyle McDonald, Manny Tan and Yotam Mann, as a collaboration between Google Creative Lab, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Macaulay Library using an open source code.
Studio Unknown Podcast
“The First Official StUnCast (Studio Unknown Podcast), Episode 101 “Hawaii I/O” dives into 2 different recording experiences had by Partner and Supervising Sound Editor Matt Davies MPSE, and Sound Editor Rich Bussey while they were having separate holidays in Hawaii.…
MyNoise Interactive Soundscape Generator, Plus Félix Blume’s Field Recordings from Sian Ka’an Reserve
We know several ways of publishing sounds over the Internet, but some of those services tend to offer interesting features which creatively differentiate them among the rest, as it is the case of, an interesting web project in which…
Why Birds Sing: A Journey Into the Mystery of Birdsong David Rothenberg The astonishing richness of birdsong is both an aesthetic and a scientific mystery. Evolutionists have never been able to completely explain why birdsong is so inventive and why…