barry truax
New Book: The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art
The Routledge Companion series is adding a new title focused entirely on contemporary studies on sound art practices and processes, and it seems to be not simply a conglomerate of ideas, but a truly rich anthology of today’s main topics around sound studies,…
Acoustic Communication Barry Truax Since the first edition was published seventeen years ago social and technical changes have altered the world of acoustic communication. This book draws upon many traditional disciplines that deal with specific aspects of sound,and presents material…
Open Call: Speed of Sound, by VacuaMœnia
Following the ideas of “Handbook for Acoustic Ecology” by Barry Truax, VacuaMœnia proposes an OpenCall for sound-artist, musicians or simple aware listeners to celebrate two years of researches and activities. The topic chosen investigates on “the propagation of sound” in…
A Short History of Acoustic Ecology
Great audio documentary produced by Chris Wood, Camara Miller and Nathan Clarkson and mastered by Magdalena Kasperek dedicated to acoustic ecology and published at The Banff Centre Blog. A Short History of Acoustic Ecology’ is part one of our two-part…
Sound, Listening and Place: The Aesthetic Dilemma, by Barry Truax
A purely aesthetic approach may be problematic when artists wish to deal with the external world as part of their work. The work of R. Murray Schafer in formulating soundscape studies is described, as well as the author’s extension of…